Are you experiencing possible paranormal activity at your home or business? |
If you live in eastern Iowa or surrounding areas
(Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Quad-Cities and MORE)
we will investigate your home or business FREE of charge!
There are many Iowa paranormal teams and paranormal groups. Unlike "ghost hunters"
and most other paranormal teams, we specialize in home/business investigations and have over 12 years of experience doing so throughout Iowa.
We use state-of-the-art scientific equipment
and a professional, understanding, open-minded approach.
With Cedar Rapids Paranormal Investigations
you can be 100% confident of the competency, integrity, and experience of the team entering your home or business.
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions
to learn what you can expect from us,
and what is involved in an investigation of your location.
We look forward to helping you understand what you're experiencing,
and lending our experience to help find a solution that brings you peace.