Audio/Video Evidence

***Updates on the way! Many more uploads coming! Thanks for your patience :)

Here you'll find links to some of the best EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena)
and spirit box (SB7 and SB11) evidence recorded during our investigations,
at my home, and at many cemeteries throughout the area.


USE HEADPHONES while listening to these clips,
so that you can hear everything as clearly as possible!

Some of the voices are soft, or in hoarse whisper form,
so adjust the volume higher if they are too faint.

Give each clip several listens to help understand what is being said.
Often, an EVP becomes clearer after hearing it 2-3 times.

What you hear may differ from what I heard, and that's not unusual.
Only the best (Class A) EVP's are easily understood by all listeners.


Audio Evidence

Cedar Rapids Case 1 Cedar Rapids Case 2 (INACTIVE)
Home Sessions (INACTIVE) Cemetery Sessions
Villisca Axe Murder House Malvern Manor

Investigation Footage/Video Evidence

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